Thursday, May 10, 2018

vitória estratégica de Steinitz com um bonito "zugzwang" final

na posição final, Rei branco está na casa g1
Steinitz drives Sellman's dark square B back with 13. b4!
With 16. Be3!, Steinitz claims more of the dark squres.
19. Nc3! begins a "Knight's tour" aiming for the a5-square, from whence it will seek to eliminate Sellman's DSB.
After 25. Rc1, White has control of the c-file and will end up with his Rook on the 7th rank.
With 27. Nac6!, Steinitz intends to eliminate Sellman's dsb. If Sellman trades off his lsb instead, numerous possible cominations are made possible for White, and Black's position will instantly collapse.
With 30. Bf2!, White's dsb will finally prove that Sellman's dark squares are hopelessly weak.

After 35. Bd6, all of Black's pieces are on the back rank. He is completely tied up.

ver coleção Positional Themes

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